26 Results for:

November 13, 2015

CFR Task Force Says Strengthening Economic Ties in a “Joint Venture” With India Should Be a Top Priority for the United States

“A rising India offers one of the most substantial opportunities to advance American national interests over the next two decades,” asserts a new Independent Task Force report sponsored by the Counci…

October 16, 2013

Daniel Markey’s New Book, No Exit from Pakistan, Argues U.S.-Pakistan Ties a Condition to Be Managed, Not a Problem to Be Solved

In his new book, No Exit From Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad, CFR Senior Fellow Daniel Markey explains how the United States should prepare for the worst, aim for the best, …

September 15, 2011

Top U.S. and Indian Strategists Agree on Shared National Interests

CFR and Aspen Institute India have cosponsored a U.S.-India Joint Study Group to identify the shared national interests that motivate the United States and India.

November 11, 2010

Independent Task Force Conditionally Supports U.S. Policy in Pakistan, Afghanistan, but Argues for Changing Strategy Absent Progress

Ahead of President Obama’s December review of the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan, a new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)-sponsored Independent Task Force report on U.S. Strategy for Pakistan and Af…

February 16, 2021

News Release
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon Recounts the Untold Story of the Women Who Fought to Defeat ISIS, in New Book

In 2014, a remarkable all-women militia faced off against the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Kobani, a small town in northeastern Syria, which became a turning point in the fight against ISIS. In h…