77 Results for:

May 13, 2015

Global Governance
2015 Report Card on International Cooperation

Overview As countries around the world struggle to combat major global challenges from terrorism to climate change, a Council of Councils Report Card on International Cooperation finds that multil…

November 2, 2012

Climate Change
The Global Green Growth Institute: On a Mission to Prove Green Growth

Introduction On October 23, 2012, a new international organization dedicated to changing the way countries grow economically made its official debut on the world stage. The eighteen member countri…

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April 10, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
How the Trump Administration Can Help Combat Kleptocracy in Africa

A policy of combating kleptocracy across sub-Saharan Africa would strengthen the national security of the United States, and the Donald J. Trump administration should start with Nigeria and South Africa.

How the Trump Administration Can Help Combat Kleptocracy in Africa header

July 11, 2016

Improving U.S. Anticorruption Policy in Nigeria

Introduction Corruption is endemic in Nigeria. It drains billions of dollars a year from Africa’s largest economy and most populous country. Systemic corruption also undermines Nigeria’s ability t…

Improving U.S. Anticorruption Policy in Nigeria header

October 16, 2018

Disinformation on Steroids

Deep fakes—highly realistic and difficult-to-detect depictions of real people doing or saying things they never said or did—are a profoundly serious problem for democratic governments and the world order. A combination of technology, education, and public policy can reduce their effectiveness.

An image from a fake video of former President Barack Obama, demonstrating facial-mapping technology.