414 Results for:

January 4, 2007

United States
110th Congress—Defense Spending Issue Looms

The debate over defense spending will be more contentious than usual as the annual budget process ramps up in Washington.

December 1, 2006

The Implications of ‘Civil War’ in Iraq

It is unclear if classifying the conflict in Iraq as a civil war will have serious ramifications for U.S. military strategy there or, for that matter, U.S. domestic politics.

June 22, 2006

The Debate Over Granting Amnesty to Iraqi Insurgents

A firestorm of criticism followed the recent proposal by the Iraqi government to grant amnesty to insurgents. But experts say conflicts like the one raging in Iraq rarely end in clear-cut military vi…

October 27, 2010

Foreign Policy and the 2010 Midterms: War in Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan hasn’t been a major campaign issue even as public support for it has waned. This Backgrounder examines political backing for the war.

March 27, 2008

The Preparedness of Iraqi Security Forces

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi security personnel have received U.S.-led counterinsurgency training. But big questions remain over their readiness to replace U.S. forces.