33 Results for:

December 22, 2009

United States
Climate Right for U.S. Joining Law of Sea Convention

The time is ripe for President Obama to press for Senate passage of the Law of the Sea Convention and expand U.S. influence on oceans governance, write Scott Borgerson and Thomas Pickering.

April 7, 2009

United States
Addressing the Crisis in America’s Oceans

Overfishing and environmental strain have put U.S. oceans in serious trouble. CFR’s Scott Borgerson says a new report by the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative lays out a blueprint for better marine m…

November 16, 2016

South Korea
South Korea’s Leadership Crisis

President Park Geun-hye’s scandal has intensified the need for constitutional revisions that would enable South Korea to better manage leadership crises, writes CFR’s Scott Snyder.

August 11, 2015

South Korea, Japan, and Wartime Shadows

The future of the Japan–South Korea relationship depends on the ability of their leaders to address the past and to build a new partnership based on mutual understanding and trust, writes CFR’s Scott…

March 31, 2016

Will China Change Its North Korea Policy?

A frank conversation between China and the United States about the future of the Korean peninsula could pave the way for greater cooperation to stymie North Korean nuclear ambitions, writes CFR’s Sco…