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July 17, 2024

Uganda’s Inventive Protest Culture

In the face of growing repression, Ugandans continue to find new and creative ways to combat the entrenched system of state capture.  

Police officers detain a Ugandan activist participating in a demonstration over proposed plans by Total Energies and the Ugandan government to build the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), in Kampala, Uganda on September 15, 2023.

September 28, 2006

Financial Markets
Exit Schumer-Graham; Enter Schumer-Graham-Baucus-Grassley ….

And exit an undervalued yuan; enter an undervalued yuan and a undervalued yen. Schumer and Graham are dropping their bill – apparently for good.   It was pretty clear that they were unwilling to …

March 29, 2006

Exit Schumer and Graham, Enter Grassley and Baucus

Schumer-Graham won't be brought to a vote until September.   China's central bank governor Zhou must  be persuasive.  Maybe he plotted out where the RMB will likely be if China continues with its cur…

June 25, 2013

Edward Snowden and Presidential Power

This morning on CBS News, Rep. Paul Ryan discussed the Obama administration’s efforts to compel Russia to extradite Edward Snowden, former contract employee for the National Security Agency (NSA), to…

Snowden on news monitor in China

June 2, 2015

Defense and Security
Campaign 2016: Senator Lindsey Graham, GOP Presidential Candidate

Can you win the presidency by running on foreign policy? Lindsey Graham is seeking to find out. The South Carolina senator announced yesterday that he is running for the GOP presidential nomination. …
