105 Results for:

April 11, 2014

Globalizing World Requires Transatlantic Partnership and Leadership

With the economic structural reforms enacted in many southern European countries now beginning to show results, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble joins Robert M. Kimmitt of the American Counc…


April 19, 2013

2008 Plus 5: What Has Been Achieved and What Remains to Be Done

Please join Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble for a discussion on financial market regulation and the current state of the European Union. For further reading, please visit CFR Senior Fellow Robert Kahn's blog…


October 26, 2021

The Life and Legacy of Angela Merkel

Panelists discuss the life and career of Angela Merkel and the future of U.S.-German relations and the larger transatlantic alliance.

Play Joe Biden and Angela Merkel walk together at the White House

June 22, 2015

Greece: Still No Deal

European finance ministers met earlier today and afterwards stated that new proposals from the Greek government were "broadly comprehensive" and "a solid basis" for restarting talks, but made clear t…


June 24, 2015

Déjà vu in Greece

Here we go again. The counterproposal from Greece’s creditors has been leaked, and it underscores how far apart the two sides remain on a range of issues: VAT, corporate taxes, and especially pension…