373 Results for:

October 25, 2010

Why China Should Revalue

China will hit a “growth wall” within the next three years, according to NYU economist Nouriel Roubini. The country’s reliance on fueling GDP growth through exports is unsustainable. He argues th…

Why China Should Revalue

August 2, 2013

Weekend Reading: Egypt’s State of Emergency, Tunisia’s Terrorism, and Libya’s Legislature

Amr Shalakany analyzes the Egyptian July 8 constitutional declaration, arguing it establishes a de facto state of emergency in Egypt. In the wake of last week’s political assassination in Tunisia, A…


October 19, 2012

Weekend Reading: Deja Vu in Egypt?, Lebanese Security, and Jihadists in Syria

Ibrahim El-Houdaiby wonders if Egypt’s Islamists will make the same mistakes as previous regimes. Qifa Nabki offers an interesting profile of Wissam al-Hassan, the head of Lebanon’s Information Bran…


December 1, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
World AIDS Day 2016 in South Africa

Thursday, December 1, is World AIDS Day, a fitting occasion to call attention to an HIV vaccine clinical trial that has started in South Africa. The vaccine being tested is based on one used in a Tha…


November 29, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa’s Wounded President Zuma Survives

Over the weekend of November 27, Jacob Zuma faced his greatest political challenge to date, a vote of ‘no-confidence’ from within his own party, the African National Congress (ANC). He had previously…
