373 Results for:

October 10, 2003

United States
The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy

George W. Bush has launched a revolution in American foreign policy. He has redefined how America engages the world, shedding the constraints that friends, allies, and international institutions impo…

October 26, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Conflict in the Middle East—The Israel-Hamas War

Panelists discuss how the recent attacks by Hamas and ongoing conflict between the group and Israel continue to affect security in the Middle East and influence regional dynamics, as well as the futu…

Play man standing in rubble of homes destroyed by Israeli stikes

September 14, 2015

Overstating the Islamic State

Ever since the self-declared Islamic State overran Mosul in June 2014, virtually everyone has made it fairly clear in mostly unintended ways that we do not understand a lot about the group. Perhaps t…


May 14, 2012

Is the Soaring Cost of College a Problem?

The New York Times ran a fascinating article yesterday on soaring student college debt. To make a long story short—and at 4,500+ words it was a long story—students are taking on a lot more debt to ge…


September 20, 2016

United States
The Colombia Peace Agreement Does not Mean the End of U.S. Involvement

Aaron Picozzi is the research associate for the military fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations, is a Coast Guard veteran, and currently serves in the Army National Guard.  A recent victory i…
