373 Results for:

June 9, 2016

Defense and Security
Responding to Coast Guard Expansion in the South China Sea

Aaron Picozzi is the research associate for the military fellows and Lincoln Davidson (@dvdsndvdsn) is a research associate for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. South China Sea clai…


May 13, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: Americans Remain Open to U.S. Commitments Overseas

What candidates say on the campaign trail matters for how elections turn out. But so too does what the public is thinking. On that score, two things stand out in the Pew Research Center’s recent poll…


February 18, 2016

Guest Post: Do-It-Yourself Military Intelligence

Harry Oppenheimer and Aaron Picozzi are research associates at the Council on Foreign Relations. An unparalleled, indiscriminate and growing wave of transparency is exposing the deployment of milita…

Syria Air STrip

April 9, 2007

Approach China with an "Affirmative Agenda," Rather than Thwart its Ambition to Become a Great Power, Concludes New Report

Although China’s future is uncertain, “further integrating China into the global community offers the best hope of shaping China’s interests and conduct in accordance with international norms on secu…

June 3, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: Hillary Clinton Questions Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Fitness

Hillary Clinton used her highly touted speech in San Diego yesterday to lace into Donald Trump. Her message was simple: Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different–they are dangerously incoherent. …
