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June 28, 2006

Siegman: Palestine Government’s Future May Hinge on Fate of Israeli Soldier

CFR Mideast expert Henry Siegman says the fate of the kidnapped Israeli soldier could have a major impact on the future of the Palestinian government.

March 6, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Ukraine’s Crisis and the Middle East

A decisive U.S. response to Russian provocation in Ukraine could create new opportunities for the United States to make headway on a number of fronts in the Middle East, says expert Dennis Ross.

January 28, 2020

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Trump’s Lopsided Mideast Peace Plan

The long-awaited plan presented by President Donald J. Trump paves the way for broader Israeli annexation of occupied territories, has no real chance of Palestinian support, and risks provoking viole…

January 5, 2009

Palestinian Territories
Obama Should Consider Inviting Arab Nations to Help Solve Israeli-Palestinian Issues

Mohammad Yaghi, a veteran Palestinian political expert, says the current fighting in the Gaza Strip wasn’t necessary and proposes that the incoming Obama administration consider calling together Arab…

March 7, 2008

Siegman: No Peace Possible Between Israel and Palestinians without Hamas

Henry Siegman, an expert on Middle East negotiations, says no peace will be possible between Israel and the Palestinians unless Hamas is brought into the talks.