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January 9, 2019

Middle East and North Africa
Abbas Celebrates 14th Anniversary of His Four-Year Term

On January 9, 2005—exactly 14 years ago today—Mahmoud Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian Authority. For a four-year term. Today Abbas begins serving the fifteenth year of his four-year…

April 23, 2012

Recent Articles on President Abbas, Iran’s Nuclear Program, and Egypt

I’ve written articles recently on several Middle East subjects. In a National Review article entitled "Egypt: Pity the Winner,"  I discussed the Egyptian presidential elections, the remaining candid…

June 2, 2006

Palestinian Territories
Asali: Palestinians Support Abbas’ Referendum Plan by Huge Majority

Ziad J. Asali, president and founder of the American Task Force on Palestine, a group dedicated to setting up a state of Palestine alongside that of Israel, says that the call two weeks ago by Palest…

April 30, 2008

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Abbas-Olmert Talks a ’First’ in Mideast Diplomacy

Contrary to many analysts of the Middle East, Aaron David Miller, who has served as a Middle East negotiator for presidents of both parties, sees reason for optimism in the current process.

May 26, 2006

Palestinian Territories
Cook: Abbas’ Call for Referendum on Two-State Solution Puts Pressure on Hamas and Israel

Steven Cook says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ call for a two-state negotiated solution was "a shrewd move" becuase it puts pressure on the Hamas-led PA government, but also serves to constrai…