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January 4, 2013

Politics and Government
Weekend Reading: Turkish Justice, Great Expectations in Egypt, and Jordan’s Challenges

Markar Esayan says that Turkey’s democracy can only be consolidated if criminals of the past are held accountable, including officers of the Turkish Armed Forces. Ahmed Zewail avers that Islam is no…


September 6, 2013

Voices From the Region: Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Bahrain

“Obama will strike for the people...The regime also are fighting for the people, and the opposition is fighting for the people. And the people are damned.” –Abdelkader, a municipal employee from Raqq…

A Free Syrian Army fighter watches U.S. President Barack Obama's speech with his family in Ghouta, Damascus August 31, 2013 (Abdullah/Courtesy Reuters).

August 12, 2011

Weekend Reading: A Christian Brother, A Turkish Crash?, and What Makes the UAE Tick

A Muslim reads the Koran during the holy month of Ramadan inside a mosque in Dubai (Ahmed Jadallah/Courtesy Reuters) A Copt becomes the VP of the Brotherhood’s new political party. Turkey’s com…

Weekend Reading: A Christian Brother, A Turkish Crash?, and What Makes the UAE Tick

March 10, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
Yet Again, No Mo Ibrahim Prize Awarded

In February, the Ibrahim foundation announced that, yet again, it would not be awarding it’s famed Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership. Mo Ibrahim, a British-Sudanese telecom billiona…

Mo Ibrahim Final

May 8, 2018

Ethiopia’s Long Political Transition Is a Lesson for Others

Abiy Ahmed's ascension to office in Ethiopia is only the latest development in an attenuated transition process that began with the death of Meles Zenawi in 2012.
