951 Results for:

July 18, 2011

Islam and Arab Political Change

Arab world pro-democracy movements raise questions about how much Islam will figure into the political calculus in emerging governments in Tunisia and Egypt, as well as new ones that might arise else…

December 17, 2020

2020 in Review
Ten Most Significant World Events in 2020

As 2020 comes to a close, here are the top ten most notable world events of the past year.

Pakistan students

January 31, 2011

Five Things You Need to Know about the Egyptian Armed Forces

There has been a lot of talk about the Egyptian military the last few days.  In light of this commentary, I thought it would be a good idea to offer the top 5 things people should know about the arm…

Five Things You Need to Know about the Egyptian Armed Forces

August 13, 2012

Morsi’s Corrective Revolution

It is fair to say that Egypt continues to be interesting.  Yesterday, President Mohammed Morsi announced the retirements of Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi and Lieutenant General Sami Anan, whi…


June 4, 2012

The Mubarak Trial: Justice and Revenge Denied

The verdicts in the trial of the Mubaraks, former Interior Minister Habeeb al Adly, and eleven senior Ministry of Interior officials came in on Saturday morning and like clockwork protesters are out …

Mubarak Cage Cropped