951 Results for:

November 22, 2010

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Terrorism Trials and Detention’s Future

The Ghailani verdict focuses renewed attention on the debate over how to detain and prosecute terrorism suspects, which will persist until the Obama administration comes up with a firm policy, says C…

May 31, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Egypt’s Vote and Syria’s Massacre

Significant Middle East Developments Egypt. The Presidential Elections Commission officially announced Monday that there will be a run-off between Mohammed Morsi and Ahmed Shafiq for the presidency…

A man cleans the scene of the burnt campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq in Cairo on May 29, 2012 (Mohammed Salem/Courtesy Reuters).

May 10, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Israel’s Surprise Unity Agreement, Further Disunity in Syria

Significant Middle East Developments Israel. In a move that caught virtually all Israelis by surprise, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced early Tuesday morning that he was forming a new uni…

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and new Kadima head Shaul Mofaz give a joint press conferece on May 8, 2012

January 13, 2021

COVID-19 and Global Equity

Fatema Z. Sumar, vice president of global programs at Oxfam America, and Trevor Zimmer, co-leader of the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project, discuss equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine around…

Play COVID-19 and Global Equity

May 17, 2012

Defense and Security
The World Next Week: Egyptians Pick a President, NATO Meets in Chicago, and Baghdad Hosts Iran Talks

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed the presidential election in Egypt; the NATO summit in Chicago; and the P5+1’s talks with Iran in Baghdad. [audio: http://www.cfr.org/c…
