951 Results for:

May 4, 2016

Energy and Environment
Beyond Climate Confusion: Why Both Energy Innovation and Deployment Matter

I have a new essay in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs—“The Clean Energy Revolution: Fighting Climate Change with Innovation”—which I co-authored with Teryn Norris, a former advisor at the Depar…


January 26, 2010

Afghanistan Success Hinges on Karzai Reforms

Two key issues in Afghanistan are whether President Hamid Karzai will implement reforms and whether the American public is willing to invest the time it will take for a successful counterinsurgency, …

February 24, 2017

Pakistan: Defeat Is an Orphan

What ails Pakistan? A new book from former Reuters correspondent Myra MacDonald shows how the country’s chronic struggle to somehow best India has instead led to deleterious results on all fronts. …


September 20, 2016

Libya: Cameron, Sarkozy, and (Obama’s) Iraq

Assessing the British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee’s report entitled “Libya: Examination of Intervention and Collapse and the UK’s Future Policy Options.”


March 26, 2004

Middle East and North Africa
Arab Expert Says ’Everybody’ in Arab World Talking of Need for Wide-Ranging Reforms

Nathan J. Brown, a leading expert on Arab democratization, says there is widespread interest in the Arab world in political and other reforms. President Bush has called for increased democracy in the…