164 Results for:

November 8, 2012

United States
Patriot Games

I coauthored this post with my good friend, colleague, and former intern, Michael Koplow.  He writes his own terrific blog:  ottomansandzionists.com.  Wednesday saw a strange confluence of events su…

 A Patriot missile battery is seen from the canoeing venue at the Athens OIympics (Jason Reed/Courtesy Reuters)

October 29, 2012

Middle East Matters: Voices From the Region

“How long can this situation continue? I mean in Bosnia, now we have Ban Ki-moon [the UN secretary general] apologising 20 years after. Who will apologise for Syria in 20 years’ time? How can we stay…

Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu speaks with reporters during a news conference (al-Sayaghi/Courtesy Reuters).

September 8, 2015

Human Rights
Night Terror, Turkey, and Refugees

Exactly a decade ago I became a father for the first time. At the very moment I first laid eyes on my daughter I experienced something I had never felt before. It was total. In an instant my life’s m…


October 30, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
How Erdogan Muscled Turkey to the Center of the World Stage

In the last decade, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has shaped Turkey into a revisionist power that challenges not just its neighbors, but also allies such as France and the United States.

 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan waves while surrounded by members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

May 19, 2016

Humanitarian Summit Shines Spotlight on Turkey

Turkey was selected to host the World Humanitarian Summit in recognition of its generous foreign assistance and refugee policies, but it comes as the country pursues increasingly illiberal policies, …