164 Results for:

July 18, 2011

Who Is Losing Legitimacy Over Syria?

American policy toward Syria is increasingly inconsistent and unintelligible. On Saturday, the Assad regime murdered another thirty-two peaceful protesters. What was the secretary of state’s reactio…

April 22, 2015

The King of the Arab Street vs. the Pope

This article was originally published here on ForeignPolicy.com on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. As the world commemorates the centennial of the Armenian genocide this week, Turkey’s government once ag…

The King of the Arab Street Vs. The Pope

October 8, 2014

Fiddling While Kobani Burns

This article was originally published here on ForeignPolicy.com on Tuesday, October 7, 2014. Last week, the Turkish Grand National Assembly voted to authorize the use of force in Syria and Iraq. Tur…

Fiddling While Kobani Burns.A_2

March 27, 2013

United States
Between Barack, Bibi, and Tayyip

There has been much ink spilled in the last week over the rapprochement between Israel and Turkey.  I have been somewhat reluctant to weigh-in if only because I was fairly certain that reconciliation…


April 8, 2015

No Way Out

This article was originally published here on the American Interest’s website on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.  It is eight weeks before Turkey’s general elections, the end of a stretch that has lasted a …

No Way Out