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April 24, 2024

U.S.-Cuba Relations

Cuba has long been a major foreign policy challenge for the United States. President Biden is the latest U.S. leader to grapple with how to balance democracy promotion with the desire for a better bi…

A man shows U.S. and Cuban flags at his house in Havana.

May 13, 2024

Taiwan’s Democracy Is Thriving in China’s Shadow

Despite China’s growing pressure, Taiwan has developed one of the world’s strongest democracies—one that will be increasingly tested in the coming years. 

Electoral workers count votes for a 2021 referendum at a ballot counting center in Taipei, Taiwan.

October 6, 2022

The Chinese Communist Party

Under the command of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party faces a host of domestic and international challenges as it aims to bolster China’s great-power status.

Xi Jinping stands before delegates at the closing session of the nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

April 3, 2024

United States
What Does the U.S. National Guard Do?

The National Guard is a special part of the U.S. military that answers to both state governors and the president. While it began as a “strategic reserve,” the guard has come to play an important role…

A member of the National Guard patrols the southern U.S. border in Eagle Pass, Texas.

January 9, 2024

Political History and Theory
New Book Examines the Colorful and Tumultuous Political Career of Henry Wallace 

In a new book filled with political drama and intrigue, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Senior Fellow Benn Steil offers the richest and deepest biographical study to date of Henry A. Wallace—a “fa…

December 6, 2023

South Korea
U.S.-South Korea Alliance Must Not Fail, Warns Scott Snyder in New Book

“[T]he U.S.-South Korea alliance faces significant risks and dangers in the event that both countries were to elect nationalist America-First and Korea-first leaders,” Scott A. Snyder contends in his…

April 17, 2024

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Conceived as the principal defenders of the 1979 revolution, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has evolved into an institution with vast political, economic, and military power.

Members of the Revolutionary Guards attend a parliamentary session in Tehran.

February 28, 2023

Modi’s “New India” and the Politics of Architecture

The Modi government aims to assert a modern Indian identity through the Central Vista redevelopment project. Critics contend it is a thin veneer for promoting Hindu nationalism.

Men ride their bicycles along Kartavya Path in front of the smog-shrouded India Gate in New Delhi.