6,416 Results for:

May 3, 2023

United Kingdom
Is the Commonwealth Under King Charles III Still Relevant?

The coronation of King Charles, the sovereign of the Commonwealth, calls into question the role of the British monarch on the world stage.

The Gold State Coach is ridden alongside members of the military during a full overnight dress rehearsal of the coronation ceremony of Britain’s King Charles III.

January 17, 2024

The Cyber Safety Review Board: Expectations, Outcomes, and Enduring Questions

The Cyber Safety Review Board: Expectations, Outcomes, and Enduring Questions Prepared statement by Tarah Wheeler Senior Fellow for Global Cyber Policy Council on Foreign Relations …

Tarah Wheeler.

December 4, 2014

Noncommunicable Diseases
A Rising Global Health Threat

The biggest threats to global health are not pandemics, but rather, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other noncommunicable diseases, says CFR’s Thomas J. Bollyky.

March 6, 2023

United States
Biden’s Progress on Women’s Rights: Good Start, But Not Fast Enough

More than two years into his presidency, Joseph Biden has achieved some of his gender equality goals, and fallen short on others.

President Biden hosts a virtual meeting with governors inside the White House

October 12, 2023

Why Anti-LGBTQ Attacks Matter for Democracy

Attacks on LGBTQI+ people and their rights are on the rise, policymakers should pay closer attention to anti-LGBTQI+ activity as a sign of democratic backsliding and take steps to address this issue…

February 16, 2018

North Korea
Avoiding War With North Korea

The U.S. military is prepared for a number of contingencies with regard to North Korea, but the best path forward is diplomacy aimed at denuclearization.