999 Results for:

April 7, 2014

Turkey: Orientalists’ Delight

There has been a lot of commentary and speculation about what is likely to happen in Turkey now that the country is past the March 30 municipal elections.  The Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) r…

Orientalist Delight_CROPPED.jpg

August 26, 2005

United States
Dollar crashes, interest rates fall?

Alan Greenspan's legacy may hinge on whether that headline is written, or whether the headline reads: "Dollar crashes, interest rates surge." From Reuters:Although a dollar crash is unlikely anytime …

December 6, 2010

Sudan, Celebrities, and American Foreign Policy

The New York Times Sunday Magazine ran a profile yesterday by Daniel Bergner of John Prendergast, the co-founder of the Enough Project, an effort to end genocide and crimes against humanity.  The a…

Sudan, Celebrities, and American Foreign Policy

December 6, 2006

The Baker-Hamilton Commission (aka Iraq Study Group)

As the much-discussed Iraq Study Group gears up to give its final report to Congress, there is a flurry of speculation over what its recommendations will include. Here is an inside look at the so-cal…

September 14, 2017

U.S. Foreign Policy
A Conversation With Senator Jeff Flake

U.S. Senator Jeff Flake discusses the future of bipartisanship in Congress and the steps needed to advance the foreign policy agenda of the United States.

Play A Conversation With Senator Jeff Flake