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July 4, 2024

United States
TWNW Special: What to Read This Summer 2024

This special episode of The World Next Week features a summerlong feast of reading, watching, and listening treats. Deborah Amos, the Ferris Professor of Journalism in Residence at Princeton Universi…

Podcast A set of books recommended for The World Next Week's summer reading special episode.

October 10, 2006

North Korea
Romberg: Burden on U.S. to Revive Nuclear Talks with North Korea

Alan D. Romberg, a leading expert on Asia, says that in the aftermath of North Korea’s announced nuclear test, and with China and North Korea “angry” at each other, it falls to the United States to t…

July 18, 2007

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Romberg: North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Key Issue to Be Resolved

Alan D. Romberg, a longtime State Department expert on North Korea, says an important element in the agreement on Pyongyang halting its nuclear activities is the future of nuclear weapons already pro…

March 24, 2008

Romberg: Election of New President in Taiwan Likely to Improve Taiwan-China Relations

Taiwan expert Alan D. Romberg says the election of Ma Ying-jeou as the island’s next president should usher in a new era of less contentious cross-Strait relations.

August 6, 2003

North Korea
Romberg: A ’Reasonable Shot’ a U.S.-North Korea Deal Will Emerge

Alan D. Romberg, a former principal deputy director of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff in the Clinton administration and an expert on Asian affairs, says he believes that there is …