1,654 Results for:

October 21, 2016

United States
Corruption, FATCA, and the Tightening Dragnet Around Brazilian Offshore Accounts

The Brazilian Federal Revenue Secretariat (SRF) has some good news to cheer: a big haul of fines and taxes from assets held offshore by Brazilians. The deadline for filing under Brazil’s equivalent o…

Replicas of R$100,00 banknotes are hung on a clothesline during a protest of the national union of prosecutors against money laundering in Brazil, at the Esplanade of Ministries in Brasilia

March 2, 2016

The Long Arm of U.S. Law and Latin America’s Corruption Malaise

Latin America’s corruption scandals of the past two years are moving slowly toward resolution. As they move forward, it is interesting to note that in a region that has been particularly protective o…

A demonstrator holds inflatable dolls depicting Brazil's former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (R) and Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff during a protest calling for the impeachment of Rousseff near the National Congress in Brasilia, Brazil, December 13, 2015 (Ueslei Marcelino/Reuters).

August 8, 2017

Brazil’s Clouded Political Horizons

Brazil is in a confusing place, with unprecedented voter dissatisfaction but no clear path out of crisis. Markets cheered last week when Congress voted 51 percent to 45 percent not to permit Presiden…

"Out Temer" Projected on Brazil's Congress

June 20, 2017

Corruption Brief Series: Lessons from Guatemala

I am pleased to share the latest report in the Corruption Brief series from the Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy program at the Council on Foreign Relations. In this report, I focus on the case …

No More Corruption

June 2, 2017

Brazil’s Most Underreported Reform Battle

With all of the turbulence in Brazil, observers can be forgiven for ignoring a potentially paradigm-shattering initiative that picked up speed last month: reducing politicians’ court privileges. So…

Judge Barroso