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May 19, 2017

Temer's Gambit

Until May 17, it seemed as though President Michel Temer could survive in the presidency until the 2018 elections, despite various pending allegations against him. These calculations have been turned…

Michel Temer

May 16, 2017

The Politics of Latin America’s Middle Income Trap

Many of Latin America’s largest economies are stuck in the so-called “middle-income trap,” with slowing productivity growth making it unlikely that they will catch up to the top global economies in t…

Empty Classroom in Buenos Aires

May 12, 2017

Will 2018 Bring a Mandate for Change in Brazil?

It has been a tough month in Brasilia. The release of the list of 98 senior politicians implicated in the Lava Jato investigation confirmed that corruption runs broad and deep across the political la…

President Michel Temer attends the presidential inauguration.

April 19, 2017

Rumblings of a Constitutional Assembly in Brazil

Brazil remains in ferment. The massive Lava Jato investigation turned three years old last month, and this week marked the one-year anniversary of the Chamber of Deputies’ vote to impeach Dilma Rouss…


January 11, 2017

The Even Scarier Thing About Brazil’s Prison Violence

Prison violence has taken the lives of more than one hundred Brazilian prisoners since the beginning of the year. While the recent killings have been gruesome and especially numerous, they are a cont…

Relatives of inmates react in front of Desembargador Raimundo Vidal Pessoa jail in the center of the Amazonian city of Manaus, Brazil, January 8, 2017 (Reuters/Michael Dantas).