1,023 Results for:

December 22, 2005

United States
Feldstein disagrees with Greenspan (politely)

I am a bit late here, John Berry reported on Martin Feldstein's paper on monetary policy in a world of more integrated global capital markets over a month ago.But it is still interesting to read Feld…

May 7, 2018

United States
The Challenge to Global Order: A Conversation With Richard N. Haass and the Council of Councils

Michael Fullilove, Richard N. Haass, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, and Igor Yurgens speak about the mounting challenges to global governance and international cooperation, and launch of the Council of Coun…

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August 19, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
Is President Sisi a Bulwark Against Terrorism?

There are very few people nowadays ignoring the growing repression in Egypt. Most recently, a new "counter-terrorism" law was imposed this week--but it snuffs out free speech more than terror. Even t…

November 20, 2015

Power Profile: Angela Merkel

Experts discuss the leadership style, personality, and policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she navigates an escalating migration crisis and uncertainty in the eurozone.

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