1,023 Results for:

March 15, 2011

United States
The Economic Costs of Government Activism

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan argues that government activism during the past two years is the primary culprit for the tepid recovery and high unemployment.


January 8, 2003

United States
Rewards from China’s Integration into the WTO Far Outweigh Risks for Both the United States and China, Concludes Council-Sponsored Independent Task Force

October 11, 2001 – Both the United States and China will run risks as Beijing moves ahead with membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO), but the potential payoffs for both countries are well …

December 3, 2013

United States
Majority of Americans See the United States as Less Powerful

With a majority of the American public now saying that they view U.S. global power and influence as being in decline, CFR President Richard N. Haass and Pew Research Center President Alan Murray sit …


December 3, 2013

United States
Majority of Americans See the United States as Less Powerful

With a majority of the American public now saying that they view U.S. global power and influence as being in decline, Pew Research Center president Alan Murray and CFR President Richard N. Haass sit …


October 31, 2011

The Future of International Liquidity and the Role of China

Overview Financial crises in the 1930s and 1970s showed the world that economic instability results when demand for international liquidity allows a small number of countries to run up massive deb…

The Future of International Liquidity and the Role of China header

October 20, 2023

Monetary Policy
What Is the U.S. Federal Reserve?

Over the past decade, the Fed kept interest rates low while it deployed trillions of dollars in stimulus and expanded its regulatory oversight. Now, the central bank is back in the spotlight for its …

A stone bald eagle perches on the Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC.