343 Results for:

May 30, 2018

North Korea
What Would Denuclearization Look Like in North Korea?

Successful denuclearization will hinge on rigorous on-the-ground inspections and closing the gap between North Korea and the United States on what areas any agreement should cover.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un observes progress at a nuclear weapons facility.

February 2, 2023

North Korea
North Korean Nuclear Negotiations

Negotiations between the United States and North Korea have proceeded in fits and starts for decades. But they have failed to halt the advance of North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.

September 15, 2016

China Vital to Countering a More Dangerous North Korea

North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons poses a great danger to Northeast Asia and the United States. Washington should pursue policies that will induce Beijing to exert more pressure on i…

July 12, 2016

Preserving a Rules-Based Order in the South China Sea

A UN tribunal’s ruling upholds the need for a rules-based order that counters China’s efforts to turn the South China Sea region into a sphere of influence, says expert Andrew Erickson.

December 22, 2017

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Another Year of Record Displacement

The past year saw the ongoing historic displacement of millions from conflict and persecution, and a weak response from the world’s richest nations to address the problems.

Rohingya refugees wait for aid near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.