1,754 Results for:

January 20, 2011

Will Tunisia Inspire More Popular Uprisings?

The Egyptian and Libyan publics are the two most likely to be inspired by the ouster of Tunisia’s Ben Ali, and the United States should be pressing Egypt especially to open up politics and allow for …

May 25, 2023

Middle East and North Africa
The Arab League

Founded as a loose confederation of states in 1945, the Arab League has struggled to overcome dysfunction and disunity among its members.

Flag of Arab League member states accompany the league's seal

August 28, 2023

The Rise of the Gangsta Militariat

The latest generation of African coupists offers definitive proof that the armed forces are the greatest victims of military rule.

Burkina Faso's self-declared new leader Ibrahim Traore is pictured in an armored vehicle protected by men holding rifles.

January 13, 2015

Diplomacy and Religious Engagement: Promise and Pitfalls

Peter Mandaville, director of the Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies and professor of international affairs at George Mason University, and Sara Silvestri, senior lecturer in internationa…


September 5, 2008

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Iran and Policy Options for the Next Administration

8:00 to 8:30 a.m. Breakfast Reception 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. Session One: Iran's Domestic Politics Ali Ansari, Professor and Director, Institute for Iranian Studies, University of St. Andrews Farideh F…
