107 Results for:

June 18, 2021

The World Next Week: What to Read This Summer

Each year CFR.org managing editor Bob McMahon and I take a break from the news on The World Next Week to record a special episode of our summer reading recommendations. That episode is now live. This…

Three books side by side: Missionaries by Phil Klay with a yellow cover with blue planes; The Price of Peace by Zachary Carter with a tan cover and man sitting on an arm chair; and This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends by Nicole Perlroth with a black cover.

August 20, 2019

United States
Back-to-School Reading Special

Every year CFR.org editor Bob McMahon and I record a summer reading episode of CFR’s “The World Next Week” podcast. We usually do it in June as we entertain visions of leisurely summer days yet to co…


October 12, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
CFR Virtual Public Forum: Update on the Israel-Hamas War

FROMAN: Good afternoon. Welcome to today’s Public Forum hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations. My name is Mike Froman. I am president of the Council, and I’ll be presiding over today’s discussio…

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February 3, 2016

Wars and Conflict
Nigeria’s 2016 Budget Continues Use of Secretive ‘Security Votes’

In a post originally published on African Arguments, CFR International Affairs Fellow Matthew Page explains that despite President Muhammadu Buhari’s anticorruption progress, the government’s new bud…

July 3, 2019

North Korea
No Time to Abandon Denuclearization

The United States should maintain a resolute policy aimed at denuclearizing North Korea.
