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July 10, 2014

Monetary Policy
Yellen vs. Bullard on Wages and Inflation: Who Is Right?

Wage growth is “not a threat to inflation,” Fed Chair Janet Yellen said on June 18.  “[With] our 2 percent inflation objective, we could see wages growing at a more rapid rate” before having to wo…

Yellen vs. Bullard on Wages and Inflation: Who Is Right?

September 5, 2013

Europe and Eurasia
From Greek Spreads to German Votes to . . . Greek Spreads?

The German federal elections on September 22 could be of enormous consequence for Greek solvency – and the future of the eurozone.  Today’s Geo-Graphic shows that Greek solvency may itself be of g…

From Greek Spreads to German Votes to . . . Greek Spreads?

July 29, 2009

Stalling Over Israeli Settlements

Expert David Makovsky says there are unnecessary U.S.-Israel tensions over Israeli settlement policy in the West Bank. The dispute is impeding one of the few areas where progress can be made with Pal…

March 8, 2018

United States
Trump on Trade

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Foreign Affairs offer resources and analysis on President Donald J. Trump’s plan to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. “Donald Trump's decisio…

June 23, 2014

China, not Piketty, Explains “Confused Signals” in U.S. Asset Prices

The FT’s Ed Luce recently took on the “confused signals” being sent by U.S. stock and bond prices moving in sync (upward). Which is it, he asks?  Are economic prospects good, as stock prices sugg…

China, not Piketty, Explains “Confused Signals” in U.S. Asset Prices