96 Results for:

September 22, 2017

Middle East and North Africa
Restoring Stability in a Turbulent Middle East: A Perspective From the League of Arab States

Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit discusses the state of affairs in the Middle East. 

Play Gheit CFR

May 23, 2017

Just and Unjust War in the 21st Century

Michael Walzer and Richard N. Haass discuss moral philosophy and just and unjust war in the twenty-first century.

Play Just and Unjust War in the 21st Century

September 21, 2010

A Conversation with Moses Wetang'ula

MADELEINE K. ALBRIGHT: Well, welcome today to this Council on Foreign Relations meeting. A little housekeeping here: Please completely turn off, not just put on vibrate, your cell phones and BlackB…
