1,561 Results for:

October 4, 2017

Unraveling the Oil Geopolitics Intertwined in the Kurdish Independence Referendum

For over a decade, U.S. efforts to promote stability across the Middle East have run afoul of many complexities. The recent independence referendum in the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) territory …

Kirkuk Statue Image

August 28, 2018

Energy and Climate Policy
Rolling Back Energy Regulations Will Not Work Any Wonders for America

The Trump administration's rollbacks of greenhouse gas emissions will likely damage American energy production, global influence, and jobs. 

Tall buildings are shrouded in smog in downtown Salt Lake City

September 30, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
Big South African Union Endorses Cyril Ramaphosa for ANC Party Leader

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) endorsed Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa for the presidency of the African National Congress (ANC) on September 26. The election of party president will take …


February 20, 2015

The CODELs That Bowed to Castro

Recently I wrote here about how Secretary of State Kerry absorbed the shouting and screaming of the Iranian negotiator in the nuclear talks, apparently without any objection. But it seems Kerry is no…