94 Results for:

February 17, 2015

North Korea
North Korea’s Food Situation: Stable and Improving

When asked in his January 22 interview with YouTube [9:00 ff.] about the likely effects of greater sanctions on North Korea following the Sony hack, President Obama repeated a mantra widely associate…


May 31, 2005

John Edwards and Jack Kemp Co-Chair Council Task Force on Russian-American Relations

Former Congressman and Housing andUrban Development Secretary and vicepresidential candidate Jack Kemp, andformer Senator and vice presidentialcandidate John Edwards at the first meetingof the Counci…

April 23, 2012

Defense and Security
Guest Post: Anya Schmemann on Putting the Squeeze on Belarus

Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko earlier this month released a prominent political opponent and his aide from prison. The move looks to have been in response to tough travel bans and asset f…


October 23, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: The OAS Endorses a Quarantine of Cuba (Cuban Missile Crisis, Day Eight)

The first week of the Cuban missile crisis played out in secret. President John F. Kennedy and his advisers quietly evaluated the results of the U-2 overflights and formulated a response. But on Tues…

President John F. Kennedy signs Proclamation 3504 authorizing the quarantine of Cuba on October 23, 1962. (Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston)

November 4, 2014

United States
Ten Cold War Memoirs Worth Reading

Yesterday, I posted a list of great histories of the Cold War. Those books provide an excellent analysis of the U.S.-Soviet superpower rivalry. Their great strength is their detachment—they are acade…
