1,774 Results for:

October 2, 2016

Prince Charles and Israeli Funerals

Prince Charles attended the funeral of Shimon Peres last week, in Jerusalem. This was not his first visit: he also attended the Yitzhak Rabin funeral in 1995. In the 21 years since then he has vis…

December 6, 2012

New From CFR: Foreign Affairs on Poverty in India

A review by Andrew Nathan in the November/December Foreign Affairs examines two books on poverty reduction in India, home to some 35 percent of the world’s poorest people. The first volume is Poverty…


December 19, 2014

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Weekend Reading: The Classics And The Middle East, ISIS vs. AQAP, and How Jihadi Groups Make Law

Andrew Gilmour argues that the study of classics is useful to understanding contemporary power struggles in the modern Middle East. Cole Bunzel discusses the rivalry between ISIS and al-Qaeda in the…


October 1, 2018

News Release
The World is Getting Healthier in Worrisome Ways, Says Thomas Bollyky in New Book

September 28, 2018—There is a paradox in global health: the extraordinary progress being made in overcoming the bacteria, viruses, and parasites that were pervasive in poor societies is…

November 4, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
A Review of Stephen Ellis’ "This Present Darkness"

This is a guest post by Tyler Lycan. Tyler is an intern for the Council on Foreign Relations Africa Studies program, he recently obtained his Masters in International Security Studies from the Univer…
