1,744 Results for:

November 2, 2018

United States
Stephen Kotkin’s “Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929–1941” Wins 2018 CFR Arthur Ross Book Award

November 2, 2018—Professor Stephen Kotkin has won the seventeenth annual Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Arthur Ross Book Award for Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929–1941 (Random House), the second…

March 2, 2018

United States
Cyber Week in Review: March 2, 2018

This week: the Microsoft-Ireland case, Apple hands over the keys to China, and a compromise of German government networks. 

Brad Smith

December 14, 2020

United Kingdom
What Would a No-Deal Brexit Look Like?

The United Kingdom and the European Union have been unable to reach a deal to define their post-Brexit relationship after nearly a year of talks. A severe disruption to trade between them looks incre…

Simon Dawson/Reuters

February 13, 2013

United States
Media Conference Call: Future of U.S. Defense Spending

Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments President Andrew Krepinevich talks about the future of defense spending, and how spending cuts could impact U.S. security interests, with Foreign Affair…


July 16, 2021

Wars and Conflict
Five Movies Worth Watching About Love and War

Every summer Friday, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films about romance amid conflict.

Three movie posters in black frames. From left: Casablanca (black and white, a man and a woman look at each other); A Farewell to Arms (a man and woman look worriedly off to the side); The English Patient (a man and woman look off to the side, a desert and airplane behind them).