12,737 Results for:

June 14, 2011

The Degrading of Syria’s Regime

Syria’s Assad dynasty appears to be on a long path to collapse, posing new challenges to the Obama administration’s efforts to break the axis of Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah, says expert Andrew Tabler.

January 31, 2012

International Organizations
Security Council Showdown on Syria

A UN Security Council resolution calling for Syria’s President Assad to step down faces stiff Russian opposition. Expert Andrew Tabler examines Russia’s motives, Syria’s internal fissures, and the pr…

February 2, 2023

China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative

China’s colossal infrastructure investments may usher in a new era of trade and growth for economies in Asia and beyond. But skeptics worry that China is laying a debt trap for borrowing governments…

Aerial view of a railway that cuts through lush Indonesian jungle.

April 26, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Is Donald Trump an Isolationist?

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Donald Trump has long criticized U.S. foreign policy. That doesn’t mean he wants America to “come h…

Trump Photo

May 5, 2020

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
Epidemics in World History, With Frank M. Snowden

Frank M. Snowden, Andrew Downey Orrick professor emeritus of history and history of medicine at Yale University, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss how epidemics have shaped world history. Sn…

Podcast A lab technician prepares a medium to grow a virus at the Eijkman Institute, one of the only two facilities in Indonesia capable of diagnosing Zika, in Jakarta, Indonesia.