1,754 Results for:

March 16, 2020

U.S. Congress
Andrew Yang’s Moment: The Economic Costs of the Pandemic Mean the Time for UBI Is Now

As fears of the growing coronavirus pandemic are leading to something close to a temporary shutdown of the U.S. economy, the moment has come to listen to the most important young political voice in t…

Andrew Yang

July 2, 2010

Responding to Andrew Chamberlain

Andrew Chamberlain has responded at length in two blog posts to my critique of his study of Kerry-Lieberman for the Institute for Energy Research. He gives some useful examples of how utilities might…

February 14, 2024

South Korea
The United States–South Korea Alliance: Why It May Fail and Why It Must Not

Summary The U.S.-South Korea alliance has been the cornerstone of bilateral cooperation and the U.S. security presence in the Indo-Pacific region for over seven decades and continues to serve as a…

Teaching Notes Image for Scott Snyder

August 17, 2023

Northeast Asia
U.S.-Japan-South Korea Summit, Ecuador’s Snap Election, BRICS Leaders Meet, and More

U.S. President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol meet at Camp David to try to strengthen security cooperation against North Korea and coordina…

Podcast U.S. President Joe Biden, Japan's Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, and South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol greet each other ahead of a trilateral meeting during the G7 Leaders' Summit in Hiroshima on May 21, 2023.

September 23, 2005

Elections and Voting
Interview with John Micgiel and Andrew Nagorski on the upcoming Polish elections

Twenty-five years after the birth of the anti-Communist Solidarity trade union, which is credited with contributing to the collapse of the Soviet government, Poland is poised to become one of Europe’…

June 20, 2024

United States
Paul C. Warnke Lecture on International Security: Turning Point—The Bomb and The Cold War

The Netflix series Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War is an exploration of the decades-long conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union framed by current events that reveal the Cold…

Play A cinematographer films an atomic mushroom cloud in a project named "Operation Plumbbob" Colorado.

July 17, 2006

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Edmund Andrews’ article on tax revenue volatility is a gem

Credit should be given where credit is due. I have a few quibbles with the lead of Andrews’ article.  Even if it sets up a compare and contrast, I never like anything that starts with “It was enough …