2,417 Results for:

May 16, 2023

United States
Why Today Is Not Like the 1850s

American politics turned hyper toxic several years ago, and ever since commentators have raised the specter of a second civil war. No other historical parallel, it seems, captures so viscerally today…

Supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump stand near Confederate and U.S. flags in Wellington, Ohio on June 26, 2021.

September 19, 2011

United States
U.S. Trade and Investment Policy

One of the most effective ways to create good new jobs and reverse the income decline of the past decade is for the United States to "become a thriving trading nation," concludes a new high-level Cou…

March 27, 2019

China’s Belt and Road Gets a Win in Italy

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature project, the Belt and Road Initiative, got a boost when Italy became the first major European country to join. What was behind Italy’s decision and what might it mean for allies in the United States and the EU?

Christian Minelli/Getty Images

October 24, 2012

United States
Institutionalizing America’s Targeted Killing Program

In today’s Washington Post, Greg Miller delivers a comprehensive, forward-looking, must-read report on the Obama administration’s vast and expanding targeted killing program. In the piece, Miller pro…

Drone takeoff

March 19, 2019

United Kingdom
Brexit’s Stickiest Point: The Irish Backstop

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has been unable to convince her own party to pass the Brexit deal she negotiated with the European Union because of its backstop provision. What is it, and why does it m…

Charles McQuillan/Getty Images