1,748 Results for:

August 16, 2011

Cranking up Pressure on Syria

With Bashar al-Assad’s government thumbing its nose at global anger as it continues a violent crackdown on protesters, the international community should step up pressure and invoke tough sanctions a…

April 13, 2022

China’s Russia Dilemma

Panelists discuss China’s economic and political relationship with Russia, how China has responded to Russia’s military action against Ukraine, and what the international response to Russia’s invasio…

Play Russian President Putin meets Chinese President Xi in Beijing

July 30, 2008

United States
Redefining the War on Terror

The Bush administration’s global war on terror has become an unchallenged doctrine in American politics. Iraq expert and Boston University history professor Andrew J. Bacevich says the next U.S. pres…

June 24, 2015

United States
Book Review – “The Hillary Doctrine: Sex & American Foreign Policy”

During her confirmation hearing to become secretary of state, Hillary Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in no uncertain terms, “I want to pledge to you that as secretary of state I …


June 14, 2023

United States
Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army!

The U.S. Army turns 248 years old today.
