514 Results for:

May 4, 2022

Politics and Government
A Conversation With Senator Bill Cassidy

Senator Bill Cassidy discusses issues in the United States and how the US and its allies should work closely together to counter Russian power and Chinese influence, such as energy independence, inte…

Play US Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) talks with reporters as he leaves the Capitol after the first day of former US President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial February 9, 2021

June 6, 2022

Coping With Deglobalization: A Conversation With the Council of Councils

Richard Haass, Sergio M. Alcocer, and Yul Sohn assess the degree of deglobalization and the dynamics behind any trend, whether the COVID-19 pandemic significantly accelerated developments, and the im…

Play A delivery worker arrives with an order while a worker in protective gear looks on behind fencing under Covid-19 lockdown in the Xuhui district of Shanghai on June 8, 2022

June 23, 2021

Virtual Roundtable: Life Lessons Learned With Frank G. Wisner

Frank G. Wisner discusses his distinguished career in public service, including working as former undersecretary of defense for policy, undersecretary of state for international security affairs, and…

Play Frank G. Wisner

July 12, 2022

Foreign Policy
Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy for a Fragmented Internet

The era of the global internet is over, and the early advantages the United States and its allies held in cyberspace have largely disappeared. China and Russia in particular are working to export the…

Play A man stands at a main hall for Internet Security Conference 2018 in Beijing, China

April 18, 2017

A Conversation With Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman discusses insights from behavioral economics.

Play Pollard_EC.jpg