514 Results for:

January 20, 2022

The Future of U.S.-Middle East Relations

Vali R. Nasr, the Majid Khadduri professor of Middle East studies and international affairs at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Affairs, discusses the prospects and consequ…

Play The Future of U.S.-Middle East Relations

January 26, 2005

Financial Markets
China reads the Economist. Is the Renminbi undervalued?

While China’s delegation to Davos seems a bit less than enamored with the dollar, the People’s Bank of China seems have read last week’s Economist, and concluded that there is no need to change the …

July 22, 2021

United States
Virtual Roundtable: Was Jimmy Carter a Successful Foreign Policy President?

Four decades after he left power, Jimmy Carter’s presidency is being reevaluated by historians. The passage of time and availability of documentary evidence makes such a reassessment possible. Is the…

Play U.S. President Jimmy Carter announces new sanctions against Iran in retaliation for taking U.S. hostages, at the White House in Washington, April 7, 1980.

September 26, 2008

Diplomacy and International Institutions
A Conversation with David Miliband

Watch British Foreign Minister David Miliband discuss Transatlantic relations, developments in the Middle East, and other foreign policy issues of mutual concern to Britain and the United States.
