514 Results for:

January 17, 2018

Energy and Climate Policy
World Energy Outlook

Fatih Birol discusses the newest edition of World Energy Outlook, the prospects for renewable energy, and the outlook for energy markets in the coming year.

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March 27, 2019

An Inside Look at China

Panelists examine China's role in the world, its ongoing trade conflict with the United States, and President Xi Jinping's political and economic agendas.

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November 18, 2019

Energy and Environment
The Global Impact of the Amazon Rainforest Fires

Panelists discuss the international concern surrounding the climate crisis in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest and how to address heightened deforestation.

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November 12, 2019

Distinguished Voices Series With Ted Koppel

Ted Koppel discusses his distinguished career and the changing nature of journalism and social media. The Distinguished Voices Series focuses particular attention on the contributions made by a pr…

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October 25, 2017

Russia and the West: A Historical Perspective

Panelists discuss the history of Russian foreign policy, and how themes seen through the last century of Russia’s relationship with the West might affect present and future U.S.-Russia relations.

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