764 Results for:

March 22, 2016

Europe and Eurasia
The Troubles of Europe

Experts address the challenges facing the EU today, including an aging population, an influx of refugees, and slow economic growth. Is Europe in the midst of a crisis of democratic governance? Will p…

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October 19, 2010

Security Alliances
Can NATO Nudge Russia Westward?

The French-Russian-German summit in Deauville this week sought to bring Russia closer to the West. Russia accepted an invitation to next month’s NATO summit, but CFR’s Charles Kupchan says Moscow que…

September 24, 2010

European Union
The Potential Twilight of the European Union

This essay assesses the causes and consequences of the renationalization of politics in the European Union. Editor's Note: This essay is part of the collection Crisis in the Eurozone. Introduct…

The Potential Twilight of the European Union header

January 10, 2006

Energy’s Impact on EU-Russian Relations

This publication is now archived. IntroductionBeneath the Baltic Sea, a pipeline is being built between Russia and Germany. Slated for completion by 2010, the 744-mile Northern European Pipeline is a…

April 30, 2010

International Organizations
Crisis for Europe in Greek Debt?

The IMF and European leaders have gotten serious about Greece’s debt, says CFR’s Charles Kupchan. But the crisis also raises concerns about the eurozone’s unity.