948 Results for:

April 27, 2010

Economic Crises
New Urgency to Prevent Greek Default

Rating agency S&P’s decision to downgrade Greek debt to "junk" may lead to softened pre-conditions for an IMF-EU bailout and a swifter European response, says CFR’s Marc Levinson.

November 6, 2018

Will Europe Go Green?

As European voters look for new alternatives, Green parties are making waves across the region. In doing so, they could signal a counterweight to the populist European right and influence national an…

Green party top candidate and Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development of Hesse Tarek Al-Wazir and Minister For The Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture And Consumer Protection of Hesse Priska Hinz react on first exit polls following the Hesse state election in Wiesbaden, Germany on October 28, 2018

April 23, 2012

Elections and Voting
France’s Presidential Election: Three Things to Know

Following the first round of France’s presidential election, CFR’s Charles A. Kupchan discusses Nicolas Sarkozy’s chances and the potential impact of a Francois Hollande win on transatlantic ties and…

February 13, 2020

A Field Guide to U.S.-India Trade Tensions

India has become an important trading partner for the United States over the past two decades, but the relationship has been marred by long-standing disagreements on everything from dairy products to…

Black outlined iron ore unloaders against a sunset

July 11, 2016

Iran Is Cheating on the Nuclear Deal

The greatest imminent danger in last year’s nuclear deal, the JCPOA, was always that Iran would cheat--taking all the advantages of the deal, but then seeking to move forward more quickly toward a nu…