948 Results for:

February 27, 2017

Russia: Rival or Partner, or Both?

Experts discuss U.S. policy options toward Russia including continued sanctions, possible cooperation with Russia in Syria, and responding to increased tensions surrounding the ongoing conflict in Uk…

Play RTSZXR0_EC.jpg

January 19, 2021


There is no country quite like Russia. Despite having a relatively small economy, it has been able to maintain global influence through a range of unconventional tactics. How has Vladimir Putin playe…

Podcast Photo of the Kremlin in Moscow in the evening.

January 10, 2023

What to Worry About in 2023

Panelists discuss potential and ongoing crises that may erupt or escalate in 2023, as well as their global political implications. This event will explore the results of the CFR 2023 Preventive Prior…

Play Silhouette of Taiwanese tank in front of fireball during military training exercise.

September 23, 2021

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Quad Leaders Gather, Germany Holds Elections, and More

The first in-person summit of the Quad—Australia, India, Japan, and the United States—takes place; Germany’s general election is set to produce a successor to Angela Merkel; and Japan’s ruling party …

Podcast A billboard advertising for a jobs recruiting firm shows German Chancellor Angela Merkel and reads: "Thanks for 16 years of hard work" next to a smaller election poster for the German Greens Party ahead of federal parliamentary elections on September 19, 2021 in Berlin, Germany.

December 4, 2017

Influence Campaigns and Disinformation
Live Today: A Conversation with Richard Burr

Today, the Council on Foreign Relations is hosting a conversation with Senator Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Senator Burr will discuss Russia's cyber capabili…

Richard Burr