491 Results for:

January 4, 2012

International Organizations
What Will The World Decide in 2012?

The New Year's Eve Ball in New York City (Mike Segar/Courtesy Reuters). “Summit fatigue” may be widespread, but demands on the world’s leaders just keep growing. Here are a half a dozen major meetin…

What Will The World Decide in 2012?

June 15, 2012

International Organizations
The G20 and the Eurozone Crisis

On Sunday, one day after Greeks vote in elections that may result in their withdrawal from the eurozone, and throw that single currency union into untested waters, leaders from the world’s twenty lar…

 Germany's Chancellor Merkel and U.S. President Obama discuss before a meeting on the second day of the G20 Summit in Cannes

July 24, 2012

The Limited Integration of Latin American Governance

The aspiration to integrate governance between Latin America’s twenty nations to address issues ranging from human rights to economic development to security concerns are long-held, but have led to m…

Integration - Political - LAM

July 26, 2012

Politics and Government
The World Next Week: Romney Travels, Mercosur Meets, EU Catches Flak, and Apple and Samsung Battle

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed Mitt Romney’s foreign trip; Mercosur’s special summit in Rio; anger at the EU’s efforts to make foreign airlines pay for their greenhous…

lindsay romney london 2012 07-25

April 28, 2016

Rousseff’s Impeachment: What’s Next for Brazil?

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment, if it moves forward, will not bring political stability but raise a new set of challenges, says CFR’s Matthew Taylor.