491 Results for:

March 25, 2011

Defense and Security
Is Operation Odyssey Dawn Constitutional? Obama Versus the Framers

I noted in a post earlier today that President Obama can make a credible legal case—if he were ever forced to make one—that he had all the authority he needed to order Operation Odyssey Dawn. But his…

Independence Hall

March 15, 2007

United States
Capital inflows to the US resumed in January …

That shouldn't be a total surprise.  You cannot run a $850-860b current account deficit for long if you cannot borrow from the world.   December's roughly $15b net outflows simply wasn't sustainable…

April 28, 2023

A Conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discusses President Biden's recent visit to Ottawa, prospects for the future of the U.S.-Canada relationship, economic cooperation between the two countries, an…


September 2, 2016

Brazil Must Rebalance Its Approach to Cybersecurity

Robert Muggah is the research director of the Igarapé Institute, an independent think tank based in Rio de Janeiro. Nathan B. Thompson is a researcher at Igarapé. When Brazil attends the Group of 20…

brazil cfr cyber net politics

May 5, 2008

Chinese state investment abroad: familiar or something new?

Henny Sender has an excellent account of China’s decision not to allow the China Development Bank (CDB) to invest in Citibank in January in Monday’s Financial Times. It follows on Richard McGregor…