395 Results for:

December 21, 2023

United States
The Bureaucratic Fix to the Military Recruitment Crisis

Declining recruitment numbers are vexing nearly all branches of the U.S. military. Removing a medical bottleneck could dramatically streamline recruiting for applicants and personnel.


July 9, 2019

United States
A Conversation With Ash Carter

Secretary Carter discusses national security strategies in a rapidly changing world and his legacy as the twenty-fifth Secretary of Defense.   

Play Ash Carter OTR

June 11, 2019

United States
Inside the Pentagon, With Ash Carter

Ash Carter, former U.S. defense secretary, discusses with James M. Lindsay what it’s like to run the largest institution in the United States. Carter’s book, Inside the Five-Sided Box: Lessons from a…

Podcast President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Ash Carter at the Pentagon.

May 8, 2020

Trash Trade Wars: Southeast Asia’s Problem With the World’s Waste

China’s decision to ban most trash imports has left waste-exporting countries in the lurch and Southeast Asian landfills overflowing.

January 3, 2013

International Organizations
Like-Minded and Capable Democracies

Overview In this International Institutions and Global Governance program Working Paper, Ash Jain traces developments associated with founding a group of democracies to address contemporary global…

Like-Minded and Capable Democracies header

June 20, 2024

United States
Paul C. Warnke Lecture on International Security: Turning Point—The Bomb and The Cold War

The Netflix series Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War is an exploration of the decades-long conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union framed by current events that reveal the Cold…

Play A cinematographer films an atomic mushroom cloud in a project named "Operation Plumbbob" Colorado.