107 Results for:

February 11, 2011

United States
The Whys and Hows of Promoting Democracy

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, Mark Lagon examines the uneven history of promoting democracy in U.S. foreign policy and offers lessons for how the United States can best advance democracy today…

December 5, 2019

Brazil's Data Protection Paradox

Brazil recently passed legislation to strengthen data protection. But the country's public authorities have yet to establish a data protection agency. Uncertainty is mounting and could throw the enti…

Customers use computers at an internet cafe in Sao Paulo.

March 10, 2011

Immigration and Migration
Obama’s Trip to Latin America

Between March 19 and 23, President Obama will take his first foreign trip this year – and his first ever to South America.

A shaman performs a ritual in front of a photograph of President Barack Obama in Lima

April 23, 2009

United States
Threading the Needle on Interrogation Reform

President  Obama’s decision to release information on CIA interrogation techniques has sparked furious debate over U.S. handling of terror suspects. CFR’s Daniel Prieto says the new details indicate …

March 17, 2014

The Mirage of Egyptian Stability

The usual argument for supporting the new military regime in Egypt is the same as the argument that was used for supporting the Mubarak regime (right up until it fell): Egypt needs stability. Secreta…