50 Results for:

June 20, 2017

North Korea
The U.S.-South Korea Alliance and North Korea Under Donald Trump and Moon Jae-in

Hwang Jihwan is an associate professor at University of Seoul and a visiting scholar at Catholic University of America. Trump, Moon, and North Korea Many in Washington and Seoul are concerned t…

The U.S.-South Korea Alliance and North Korea Under Donald Trump and Moon Jae-in

August 24, 2015

South Korea
Inter-Korean Exchange of Fire Yields to Marathon Talks at the DMZ

The South Korean injuries incurred on August 4 from land mines allegedly planted by North Korean soldiers at a South Korean guard post adjacent to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) has set off an inter-Ko…

Asia Unbound_Kim

November 1, 2009

South Korea
What Can We Explore to Enhance the U.S.-ROK Alliance?

Assemblyman Hwang Jin-ha is the Chairman of the Second Policy Coordination Committee of the Grand National Party. The traditional strategic foundation of the U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK) alliance ha…

Lee Myung-bak and Barak Obama Joint Vision Statement

January 21, 2009

North Korea
No Signs Kim Has Eased Control in North Korea

Don Oberdorfer, a leading expert on North and South Korea, says he sees no evidence North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il has moved to relinquish control, despite reports concerning his illness and success…

July 12, 2017

China in Africa

China has become Africa’s largest trade partner and has greatly expanded its economic ties to the continent, but its growing activities there have raised questions about its noninterference policy.  …

Workers from China and Burkina Faso employed by Sinohydro standing on back of truck driven by chinese workers.