586 Results for:

May 28, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy: Report of a CFR-Sponsored Independent Task Force

President Obama has called for the eventual global abolition of nuclear weapons, but they will remain a fundamental element of U.S. national security in the near term. The CFR Task Force report makes…


March 27, 2009

International Organizations
Global Economic Trends: Lessons of the Financial Crisis

In the days ahead of the G20 Summit in London, where world leaders will meet to address issues critical to the stability of the global financial system, join Martin Wolf for a discussion of the less…


May 11, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
A Conversation with Mike Rogers

Approaching the tenth anniversary of 9/11, please join Mike Rogers to discuss the intelligence lessons learned from the recent Osama bin Laden operation.   **Please note the special timing**


April 29, 2011

Afghanistan: Mending It, Not Just Ending It

  Please join the Right Honorable David Miliband for a discussion on the effectiveness of Western policies in Afghanistan, challenges and opportunities in the current military and political climate,…


May 1, 2014

What To Do About Syria

More than three years after the start of the Syrian civil war, debates continue about what role, if any, the United States should play in the conflict. Ryan Crocker of Texas A&M, Freedom House's Char…
